Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lightning Watching

This is a way out of date post, but I just saw these pictures again and thought I'd post them. A couple of days after I got out here, there were thunder storms like every other night and Jack and I sat out on our balcony and just watched the storm and lightning since there was no rain. Here's just a couple of the cool shots I was able to take. Lighting btw, is SUPER hard to capture....well, at least with an older camera like ours that takes FOREVER to write to the card and I have major lag time from the time I push the button and from the time it actually takes the picture. Oh well, at least I got a couple of good ones in there. :o)


Brandon and Natalie said...

Beautiful pictures! They definitely have storms out here different then UT.

Rachel Holloway said...

HOW COOL! Definitely great shots!

Emma and Dan said...

I'm impressed that you were able to get some really cool pictures. They look great.

Shannon said...

Sounds like you're settling in Ohio all right so far. Wait till you get an ice storm.

Unknown said...

So very crazy that I ran across your blog. Havent seen you in like um 6 years. Your little family is adorable! Looks like you are doing very well.

Steph said...

That is so awesome! I'm surprised you were able to get any pictures at all! But from what Jon has told me about lightening storms in Mexico it's pretty hard NOT to see a ton of it :) That's way cool!