Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Many Faces and Expressions of Jaxon

Here are some more pictures of our baby! Not much to report otherwise. We're all happy and fine and doing well. :o)


Unknown said...

Oh he is a sweetie! How are you doing? How are you feeling? How's your sleep? I guess I need to just come and visit you! (I'll bring some homemade frozen dinners too...for whenever you don't feel like cooking a whole meal!).

Emma and Dan said...

He is so cute, Bernice! And I can't believe how much he looks like Jack in some of those pictures. Thank you so much for posting - now I have seen some of his funny faces and hairdos. He is such a handsome little boy!

Kelli said...

He is so adorable! I love the faces he makes! You have such a cute baby!

Brandon and Natalie said...

He is so cute! I think he looks like Jack. Very adorable! Beautiful eyes!

Aurelia said...

Thanks so much for sharing.
It just makes me wish I could be there sooo bad!
His hair is just too much fun!
Call me soon & let me know how the baby blessing went, k?

Rick said...

Bernice, he is so cute and seems so alert already. Congratulations again, he's a handsome little guy.

Jill Revell said...

He is SO adorable! Congrats on the beautiful baby!

Kelly said...

Adorable, really! How are you doing anyway? I miss you at work so much - I wanted to come visit you this weekend, but then I got bronchitis and have been sick all week. :(

I'll come see you as soon as I'm not infectious anymore. Take care!