To summarize, I'm still recovering from this second part of July.
So, to start off with, I drove back from Calgary to Utah with my parents on Friday the 13th of July. The trip was fine and we got back in town in good time and I was ready to party with my family who were all going to be in town the next evening for a mini family reunion with my immediate family.
Saturday July 14th: I woke up with a terrible pain in my abdomen around my belly button area and was throwing up and sick all day. By that afternoon, I was in REEEEALY bad shape, so Jack and I decided to call a doctor to see what we should do. After talking to our doctor, he suggested we go to the emergency room and have them check for appendicitis. We got to the ER and they ran some tests, but none specifically for appendicitis....shot me up with morphine...gave me a prescription painkiller....and sent me home.
Sunday July 15th: The whole day I was in pain and pretty much wishing I was dead because I hurt so much.
Monday July 16th: Had my yearly appointment and as soon as my OBGYN saw me, he got on the phone with a surgeon to have me get into surgery to get my appendix taken out. We checked into the hospital around noon and went into surgery at about 6 p.m. that night. When the surgeons went in, they found that my appendix had already ruptured and it had already been ruptured for at least two days. This complicated matters, extending the surgery, as well as recovery since basically my entire digestive system had been "ravaged with infection" (as the doctor put it) for the past two days. I came out of surgery ok but was hooked up to a lot of tubes and machines.
Tuesday July 16th--about the 21st: No food at all and am fed fully through IV. I've got a tube running from my nose that goes down the back of my throat all the way to my stomach to pump out my stomach and trying to get my bowels to wake up after intense surgery. I got the nose tube out towards the end of the week, but then started digressing. My stomach started bloating out because of infection still apparent and they actually had to put the tube back in.
Wednesday/Thursday July 26th or 27th: I have to apologize...a lot of the days in the hospital are kind of a blur to my timing and days may be wrong for some of these events. Anyhow, I went in for an MRI and it showed I had some blockage in my intestine. Not a good thing. So, at this point, I had been put on a liquid diet and was actually eating some things...but after the MRI verdict, I was off all food again and just back to ice chips.
The rest of the week pretty much went by about the same. I had some food...then not, and then some liquids again. At this point, the doctor was worried about some higher then normal levels of enzymes in my pancreas, which could be a sign of pancreatitis. So, though they did release me finally on Monday, July 14th day in the hospital, I am now recovering at home with a strict low fat liquid diet to try and avoid harm to my pancreas and just trying to recover from major surgery.
Ok, I think that's all the high points for the last week of July for us. Jack has been amazing through all of this as has all my family and his. During those dark times in the hospital, I have truly felt all of your prayers in my behalf and I am so very grateful for each and everyone of you who has shown me and Jack sooooo much service and love. Words cannot express the gratitude we feel towards each and every one of you. Thank you so very, very much for all you have done and are continuing to do for us. Everything has made such a difference for us. We will continue to keep everyone posted as to the recovery process, but in the meantime, I'm still out of commission for the next 10 days on doctor's orders.
But I am happy to say that I am feeling lots better...though not anything close to normal yet. My abdomen still has a lot of pain and I get pretty winded getting up and down and doing much of anything. But I can feel my body healing and I know things will be fine soon.
Again, thank you for everything you have all done for us.
6 years ago
Bernice I am SO SORRY! I'm so glad to hear that you're doing better now. I can't wait to get back to Provo to come and see you! Get lots of rest:) When you're all better we can go to IKEA!!!
You are so strong Bree. I'm so glad you are out of the don't need anymore of that! It looks like you guys had a great time with your families before the craziness. I sure miss you! Get better fast and hopefully you won't go too crazy with the liquid diet. Can't wait to see u!
hey! glad to see you are well enough to blog about your crazy last few weeks! i hope you are doing better - seriously - you saved me from going through the same thing. take it easy and get well soon. take care of yourself!
Glad you are feeling better!
I am so glad that things are going better for you!! We wish we could have seen you before we left.
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