Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day!

Yes, it took Canada Day to get me out of blogging hibernation. :o) Sorry for the long delay in posts. We've been busy trying to figure out our housing for next year and then packing up our place to get ready to move. But, well, we are still here and enjoying Ohio. Jack has been super busy with a short semester to get through. He's already doing finals next week and has been working very hard. Jaxon and I have been enjoying the good weather and just hanging out. Here are some pics of us at Stearns Farm which is just down the street from us.
It was cool to get really close to a lot of the animals.
This particular turkey did not really like visitors. If you look close, you can see how puffed up he is and he was squawking like crazy.
Jaxon has no fear though. He was sticking his fingers into all the animals faces.
I was lucky he didn't get bit. :o) Jaxon loved chasing the ducks.
This is the face he was making as he was chasing them. Some of my freshman roomies may remember this look. :o)
We sure had a lot of fun that day. But very sad that Jack had to miss it. :o(


Rachel Holloway said...

SO MUCH FUN! We will have to go there. :)

Where are you guys moving to? I didn't know you were out of the apartment!!

Terresa Tew said...

Happy Canada Day to you, too! Moving? No fun! Where are you moving? When you move out, is that when you are coming to UT? Looks like a fun day at the farm. Good luck to Jack on his finals. I'm sure he'll breesze through them, though!

Anonymous said...

Happy Canada Day! I about died when I saw his "look", it must be genetic! So cute. Good luck with the move!

Nada said...

Yay! I was wondering what you were up too... too busy to post cute pics of Jaxon, but you finally did! SO expressive! He will be talented in so many ways! When do you head to Utah? I just need to give you a call! (You look fabulous bytheway!)

Unknown said...

I can't believe how big he's getting!