Yes, you did read that right! I found out the price of a couple of seconds of inattentiveness to an active one year old leads to the very literal sense.
So, Jaxon was just playing around with his toys this morning and I was working on a crochet project right in the same room mind you, just about 2 feet away from him.
All of a sudden Jaxon gets very quiet...that's when I know there's trouble. I look up to find that he has opened up the dirty diaper that I had just changed and had squished poop between his hands, smeared on his clothes, and yes, the best part, IN HIS MOUTH!!!!!!! HE WAS EATING HIS POOP!!! I was MORTIFIED!! I don't even know if that word even covers the extent of the shock I was in seeing the scene before me. And what does Jaxon do as soon as he sees his mom freaking out at the mess he's made...yep, he starts laughing and goes to put another handful in his mouth. I could barely hold back my gagging as I cleaned him up, and the mess he had made. Wow, my first poop story with Jaxon and it's got to be the WORST poop happenings EVER! Now I can't seem to get the smell of poop gone. I'm smelling it EVERYWHERE even though I've cleaned and disinfected everything!!
Well, lesson learned, I've got to put those little diapers waaaaaay out of reach and not wait to put them away, and gotta keep a better eye out on our little guy.
Sorry if this grossed you out. Hey, at least there aren't any pictures, eh? :o)
7 years ago
No way! That is the grossest thing I've EVER heard. YUCK!
Oh man, that is so gross! I am surprise you didn't lose it. We haven't had that happen at our house YET!
OH my! I think that's really all I can say right now.
OH FUNNY....WHEN it happens to someone else. I can totally relate though--I have WAAAAAYY more poop stories than I think any parent should ever have. Just wait until he starts taking of his own diaper...during naptime...and smears it all over the wall, his crib, etc. I am 99% sure that will happen to you too... :)
EWW!! Joys of parenthood, huh?
Yummy! Isn't fun being a mom! Oh the joys of it! Thanks for sharing because I got a good laugh out of it.
Disgusting! but a little funny, since it wasn't me!
That is the best story ever. Logan has never eaten his own poop, thankfullly, but I did catch him eating bird poop in the backyard once. GROSS.
Yeah, I feel grateful that I have no stories to rival that one. I'm sorry you dealt with that....yikes!
Oh my gosh!!! That is hysterical...and gross all at the same time. Glad it wasn't me this time. I woke up to throw up and poop EVERYWHERE yesterday. Yay!!! Lucky me. :)
AAAAAAHHHH! That's SO GROSS! and could you imagine that as an animated short!? one of these days...
OHMYGOODNESS!!! EW EW EW! I'm so sorry that you had to clean that up! This is something you can remind Jaxon about through the rest of his embarrassing years. It's a good story and I guess every kid has to have one of em.
WOW that's DISGUSTING!!! But good to know so that I don't make that mistake! :) babies are so durable though. I love how he laughed about it. HAHAHA.
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