Well it's been a little while since I last blogged, so I'm going to be posting up a bunch of stuff all at once. First off, Jaxon had his 9 month appointment and he is a healthy boy...but a little bit of a lightweight. He is only 18 lbs 13 oz, but he is 29.5 inches tall. So, again, high percentile for his height, but not so much in his weight. Anyone have any ideas how to get this little boy to beef up a bit? :o) Also, we went over to one of our friends home and we discovered that Jaxon can go up stairs. We don't have any stairs in our apartment, so who knew. As for going down, well, not so much. He has no fear and just stands up and falls back. Good thing mom and dad are there to catch him. :o)
Another Jaxon accomplishment-Jaxon has discovered toilet paper. Well, in general, Jaxon has discovered that one of his favorite places at home is the bathroom. Unfortunately, this does not bode well for the toilet paper as you can see.
We also went with our ward a couple of weeks ago to the temple in Columbus, OH. We actually had to drive over 2 hours to get there!! The whole way there just made me feel bad that we had not taken more advantage of the temples so close to home for us when we were in Utah. The ward was great for helping out the parents with young kids and had people at the church right across from the temple watching kids during the sessions. Jaxon was a great little boy...well, as far as what everyone has told us ;o)...and we got to enjoy a nice session.
And SNOW! We got our first taste of OH winter this past couple of weeks with LOTS of snow and cold. Here's the view from our apartment.
And here's Jaxon fascinated by the white stuff outside.
And just one more Jaxon accomplishment to update on. This kid is standing all by himself!! It's been so exciting to watch him go from using the furniture to get himself up to now just barely using a toy on the floor or us to pull himself standing, and then just stay standing by himself for while.
He's still really hesitant about taking steps, but just the other day Jack got him to take one step!! We're still working on it though. Jaxon just likes crawling so much better cause it gets him to where he wants to go so much faster.
7 years ago
great update!
Something that might help with the toilet paper problem-if you put it on the upside down, with the paper coming from the bottom, not the top when he hits it it will flip back and not forward. Granted if he just pulls it and yanks there's no helping for that
Luke loves the bathroom too! Jaxon is growing so much! Are you going to Canada over Christmas?!
so cute! We can't wait to see you guys!
How cute! He has gotten so big!!
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