There is this really fun amusement park out here that has all these mini rides for kids. Even Mailee can go on them! We had some fun times enjoying the kids enjoying the rides. :o)
Jack and Jaxon on the roller coaster.

Jaxon didn't really like this ride...he wouldn't go on it again.
Jaxon and Mailee on the plane ride.

I know it really doesn't look it, but I promise, the kids did have a good time. :o)
Jaxon loved the car rides.

Finally, a smile on at least one of the kids.

One of the few rides an adult could fit on. :o) So, mom even got a ride with the kiddos.

And more rides...

We tried to get Mailee on the Merry Go Round, but she wouldn't have, she hung out with Dad instead. :o)

And just cause we were sooooo excited to finally get some family time with Jack around, we didn't call it quits with just the park. We decided to head to a lake and spend some time swimming and playing in the sand too!

Yeah for some well needed family time and sunny weather!!