Here are just some more things we did while Jack was on break. He has started back up again and looking at these pictures makes me miss the break we had with him even more, but he's already starting off the new term great getting an A on the first midterm he just took today. Yeeeah Jack!
We got to go swimming with some friends and I love these great shots with our camera.Jaxon didn't love the water at first, but I'm glad he warmed up to it.
I love my boys in their shades. They look so cute!!
We also got to go to a parade for Memorial Day. Jaxon's FIRST parade. I was sooo excited. Jaxon was sooo cute when they gave him a little American flag. He waved it like crazy!
Jaxon also got pretty excited when all the cop cars and fire trucks drove by. It was fun to get some candy too. :o)
He was a little distracted when the fire trucks came by...
Thanks for the fun time everyone!
7 years ago